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Celebrating one year of Joburg Wine Club!

by Destinate News on 28.11.2018

Today, exactly one year ago, we officially set off on the crazy beautiful journey that is Joburg Wine Club.

As with any adventure, we didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into. All we knew was that we wanted to break the boundaries of wine culture in South Africa and we wanted to delve into the magic that was Joburg and her people. We wanted to create a vibrant community who shares a common appreciation of good South African wines and an exuberant joy of life.

What better place to plant the seed than in the lively City of Gold.

Now, 365 days later, our hearts are bursting with gratitude for the way it’s all unfolded and all the exquisite people we’ve met along the way.

In celebration of our first birthday, join us for a little trip down memory lane on Joburg Wine Club's blog as we reminisce about our highlights of the year.