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Panthera Africa

Panthera Africa
Panthera Africa
Panthera Africa

Panthera Africa is a sanctuary for 23 big cats, including lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs and caracals. On our educational visits we create awareness about conditions big cats face in captivity, and how animal welfare and enrichment play a vital role in giving them the best captive life possible. We are a true sanctuary where no cub petting, breeding or trading takes place. We are a blue print of how a non-profit sanctuary, focusing on animal welfare, can become self-sufficient and can provide a safe haven where big cats will be protected and prosper for the rest of their lives. Join us for an educational, sunset or enrichment visit. We also offer a popular volunteer program for those who would like to make a difference.

Tel: +27 (071) 182 8368

Farm 933, Portion 2, Stanford, South Africa



Panthera Africa